Monday, November 17, 2008

Change You Can Believe In (Part II)

As the Obama campaign slogan would have you believe, a vote for Obama was a vote against George Bush and his foreign policy.

For those of you in that group, here's a 17 November 2008 article by Guy Raz that might indicate how successful your strategy will prove to be: For Albright and Rice, Josef Korbel Is Tie that Binds. Joseph Korbel was a believer too. Korbel believed in US intervention in other countries to spread freedom. Two of his proteges are his daughter, Madeleine Albright, and Bush's Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice.

Those who believe in change and Obama will be familiar with Rice and her support of the Bush administration's foreign policy. This Council on Foreign Relations website lists Madeleine Albright as one of many from the Clinton administration who is advising President-elect Obama on foreign policy.

While the article about Korbel tries to draw a distinction between his two students, and Madeleine argues that her foreign policy follows what her father advocated and is different from that of the Bush administration, the differences seem superficial.

Madeleine Albright infamously stated that the ends justified the means when she said it was worth killing 500,000 in Iraq during the US embargo of that nation. Albright was the US ambassador to the UN at the time, and later became Secretary of State in the Clinton administration.

Perhaps the change you can believe in Obama's foreign policy will have Oceania invading the disputed zone in addition to Eurasia?

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